Rising Above Negative Experiences 6-Step Process

1.      Let people be themselves/Let experiences be what they are. Allow the experience, behavior, whatever it is, to be. That does not mean that you condone ill- behavior, nor ignore the need for change or action toward change.

2.      Be clear that you also have the right to be. Allow yourself to be. Accept yourself fully without the need for validation from others.

3.      If necessary, address your own needs for wellbeing. If you don't feel safe in a situation, remove yourself. You are not a victim.

4.      Realize you have authority over your response or reaction to the circumstance or behavior. Importantly, if you choose to resist it, if you insist that it doesn’t belong, you rob it of its forward momentum, and ensure that it will linger in your experience.

5.      Claim that you're safe in this world without people behaving as you want them to or demanding circumstances be the way you want them to be.

6.      Remain in the present moment and in full trust, not projecting, anticipating, or guarding against.